terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2015

O modernismo e seu duplo: A experiência sulafricana 1914-2014 #freecatalogue

Arrumando as malas, me deparei a papelada que peguei na Bienal de Arquitetura de Veneza de 2014. Abaixo, copio trecho do texto do catálogo do Pavilhão da África do Sul e o link para baixar um pdf da publicação.


Il modernismo ed i suoi doppi: L'esperienza sudafricana 1914-2014

Curato da Lemaseya Khama & Jean-Pierre de la Porte


"Between 1914 and 2014 South Africa experienced the most decisive events in its history. Beginning with the formation of the African National Congress and the Boer Republics antagonistic to the rule of the British Empire, South African people formed coherent visions and implementations of their collective future. A century of resistance and counter resistance ensued framed within the modernising terms of two irreconcilable nationalisms, contrasted visions of commonality and two mutually exclusive futures. These processes were imaginative as much as material, aesthetic as much as political and shared, despite their world famous antagonism, a set of commitments to the project of modernisation and with it, to the potentials, values and temporalities of Modernism. These opposed adventures within the modern project’s premises ensured that South Africa differed from most societies experiencing decolonisation and growing resistance to invasion, dispossession and Diasporas. It is the nature of this difference that is sought in the South African National Pavilion, and of the new aesthetic, cryptic, deliberately ephemeral but often monumentalising terms in which it was intensely played out. The viewer is invited to retrace the investment in modernism that made South Africa a global talking point twice in the last hundred years: through the highly modernistic social engineering of the 1961 mono-racial Republic and through the triumph and emergence into the post 1994 public realm of the dispersed, powerful imagination and capabilities that long opposed it, finally overcame it and now form its posterity. With the 1994 inauguration of the first democratically elected President and government after centuries of invasion, South Africa embarked on a path of reconciliation. This much celebrated event instantly blurred the boundaries between the forms and institutions of majority experience and the historically far more visible western derived outlines of the once minority rulers. The South African public realm and spatial imagination remains shaped by this recent alloying of once strategically opposed modernisms. South Africa 1914-2014: Modernism and its Doubles traces the paths of two distinctly conceived and realised modernisms that so often provided the momentum in South Africa’s defining century. Most strands of contemporary South African Experience still contend over the legacy of the modern, its ownership and denunciation and provide a laboratory for understanding what it meant and still could mean far from its place of birth in the northern hemisphere."


Um pdf do catálogo completo pode ser baixado aqui

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